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red pepper jelly

Gypsy Pepper Jelly

  • Author: Alex
  • Yield: 7 cups 1x


Sweet red pepper jelly is delicious with cream cheese on a crostini.


Units Scale

3 cups finely chopped red gypsy peppers

3 cups distilled white vinegar

13 cups white sugar

6 ounces of liquid pectin


  1. Combine red gypsy peppers, white vinegar, and sugar in a stainless steel saucepan. Boil the mixture and cook for 6 minutes while stirring thoroughly.
  2. Add liquid pectin, stir thoroughly, and boil the mixture for three more minutes while stirring constantly. Use a metal spoon to remove the foam. Remove the saucepan from the heat.
  3. Scoop the jelly into sterilized jars without filling them up (leave about 1/2-inch space at the top). Seal the jars and process the jelly in a boiling-water canner for about 5 minutes.
  • Category: Condiment